Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mother's Day at the Beach

One of the coolest parts about living inHouston is that the beach is only about an hour away. So,every year for Mother's day we load up the family and pack a picnic, all out sand toys, a couple of chairs and loads of sunscreen for a fun day of quality time.

This year seemed to be all about the sand!!!
Claire entered the water reluctantly a couple of times and when she felt how cold it was she went screaming back to her nice warm pile of sand. Jake played in the water quite a bit, but mostly he enjoyed trying to dig to China.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

AHHH...the pleasures of being a KID!!!

It was QUITE hot this afternoon (mid 90's in early May), to enjoy the afternoon, we got out the little pools and the hose and well...

Take a look: (below)

Claire is such a dare devil...nothing seems to really scare her. Good thing she's the 2nd child!

You may also note the treehouse progress as of today:

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Claire the Hula girl

Claire was playing dress up last night and found herself transformed into a "Hula Dancing Butterfly Princess". She has her brother in the background playing the traditional hula dance drums via his bouncing hoppy thing...see the video :-)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New pet

We have a new member of the family... Jake has a new BETA fish named "Chester" (don't ask...).
He'd been asking for a fish for quite awhile and we decidied that it would make a good "finished Kindergarten" gift (but he got it a few weeks early).
Also, the BLUE JAYS won another game last night. Jake was so excited he couldn't even sleep last night. It was so cool for the team. They are really having a great time.
Claire and Jake had a play date today with their friends Max and Kate. We went to Monkey Bizness ( an indoor bounce house place). Claire and Kate are finally old enough tp really enjoy being with each other. They had so much fun running and climbing a sliding. and giggling. They are just such little girly was so cute to watch them :-)
That's all for today- till next time.....