OK...so the hatches are battened down, the water bottles are stocked, the freezer is full of tupperware with frozen water in it, and the flashlights have fresh batteries. Now all we need is the hurricane itself.
The TV has been preparing us all for DAYS and we have decided that we would "hunker down" as they say and enjoy the ride.
The news has done it's job well enough and has people freaked out enough to be scurrying around like wild mice in the stores and parking lots and they are driving like crazy people.
However...I am much more impressed with the way things are going this go 'round than I was this time 3 years ago during the "Rita" fiasco.
Winds are starting and they say we should be in full force after midnight tonight... so hang on tight...
Will let you know how we fared when things are all over with.
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