Thursday, June 12, 2008


This week has been a new experience for us. Jake has been attending Vacation Bible School.
This is a concept that is completely LOST on Andy. As a Catholic, VBS was unheard of. It was something the "other"kids did (meaning the protestant kids). Since I grew up protestant, I attended many VBS programs as a child and knew exactly what Jake would be getting into.
This particular VBS is actually being offered by a Catholic Church that we attended for a couple of years and where I know lots of people. Several of my friends are sending their kids there as well.
Jake has been having so much fun and has come home each day babbling on and on about the cool things he has learned. On Monday he had tiny dot stickers all over him. I asked him what it was and said it was "leprosy". With a smile, I asked what it meant to have leporasy. He told me his version of a disgustin disease. He then went on to tell me that Jesus cured the people with leporasy. heart felt good :-)
Yesterday he said "Mom!...did you know that Jesus could walk on WATER??!!?? That is so COOL!"
- Hey...I'm just thrilled that he's having a good time. If some bible stories are sticking with him...then all the better.

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