Ok...so two weeks down and two more to go and then I can resume my "summer vacation". Work has been crazy busy, but the time has really flown by.
Claire has developed separation anxiety to the max all of a sudden. She is crying for REAL when I take her to her class each morning. Meanwhile, Jake is so grown up he cant' understand why I have to walk him to his class and why he can't come and go as he pleases in my school.
Speaking of Claire and growing up...
We recently transitioned Claire to her "toddler" bed (her crib converted). We thought we were home free after only two weeks because she was doing so well with staying in the bed and going right to sleep. Well...GOTCHA!!!! The little princess has turned the tables on us and now we spend about 2 hours each night fighting the "GET BACK IN BED" battle with her.
I refuse to give up and put the crib back together, instead I am holding my ground and fighting the fight. I actually had to give her a spanking la
st night :-O I know , I know......call CPS and lock me up!.

Trust me it was much worse for me than it was for her. I felt so bad afterwards that when she was finally asleep, I went in and picked her up and loved her while just watching her sleep.- But di you notice I said she was ASLEEP!!!!- It actually WORKED. While I don not advicate beating you kids, every now and then going a little "old school" as a last resort can actually be effective.
Meanwhile...Jake is staying up later and later becoming more and more addicted to the night time cartoons and the various "kid friendly" shows that can be found on Nick and Cartoon Network. Did you know that Sponge Bob Squarepants is almost ALWAYS on!!??
You see...I can't start yelling at him to go to bed until I know for sure that she isn't going to hear me or hear him arguing with me. If she even THINKS she is missing some good "fuss at Jake" action, she is up and out of room in a flash. Thus creating a vicious cycle and causing me to run out of their rooms screaming I GIVE UP!!!!
Andy will usually intervene at this pint and help with the yelling and take a turn putting kids to bed. This is about the time that the true "momma's boy" comes out in Jake and all of sudden my self sufficient, all grown up, nearly 6 year old crumbles into the needy, whiny 3 year old little boy I once new who needs mommy to tuck him in and sing to him, and rub his back, and get him a drink of water (all the while, daddy is allowed to watch whatever he wants on T.V.).
Daddy is a very important part of the kid's day, but man...bedtime seems to all about MOMMY...gee...I feel so loved!
By the way...those of you reading this that remember ME when I was 2- SHUT UP!
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