Friday I put her crib back together and decided that a few more months of enjoying the happy go lucky, pleasant to be around, little toddler girl was far more appealing than the newer version that was trying to develop as the BIG Girl was pushing her way through.
But...silly me. I actually thought that because she wasn't climbing out before that this would keep her in the bed now. WRONG!!!! Now is when she has decided to risk life and limb to be free at all costs. After a final night of sleeping with my ears finely tuned and one eye open, I decided to bring out the BIG GUNS and go for this method:

It is called Cozy Crib Tent, but we like to call it "Claire's Princess Tent". It's only been one night, but it was a restful night!. I will keep you posted!
On a another note...I have found the COOLEST toy ever! It may look like something stupid you kid drug out of a cabinet in the kitchen, but is actually a very neat little creation (from Europe, of course) that is meant to spark our children's "imagination", you know... that thing we all used as kids when there wasn't 24 hour kid's TV shows and hand held video game systems in every kid's hands at all times.

Is it a hat, a chair, a stool, a drum...YES, it all of this and so much more. This is the first thing (since Dora anyway) that I have seen Claire get so excited over. We saw these in a little store last week and both of the kids were Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs over it, so I had to have it. (I actually ordered on Amazon and got free shipping and paid a bit less than the store was charging).
Check out the site. It is called a BILIBO
Well...I guess that's all for now. Wish me a another restful night's sleep :-)
I had a crib like that. I think it was left over from the Japanese prison camps in WWII. IT took me about 3 days to figure out that I could lift the mattress and jigger the bedsprings to escape.
Good luck, Claire!
Thanks DAD!, Who's side are you on anyway?
A sticker chart might work really well for her. I developed one for a client that was having the exact same problem. I will look for it and send it to you. No pressure to use.
Hmmmm......that little apple didn't fall too far from the tree, did she?? You would hook your big toe on the edge of the rail and flip yourself over the side. Of course you landed with a bang on the floor and screamed until I came running in. Maybe you should have followed your Dad's example - might have been a bit less trauma to your head! Good luck with Claire!! If she's anything like you were, you can kiss the good night's sleep goodbye for a while.
I had a great laugh reading this one. It reminded me that I got to watch the 1st time you climbed out of your babybed. (You & your Mom were in town for a visit.) I sure Ruth & I made matters much worse by begging you to do it over & over again while we laughed hysterically!
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